Celebration Of Reason

Rational Thought, Evidence, and the Rule of Logic

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About Us

We are two concerned citizens. Concerned about the erosion of reasonable thought in modern society; concerned about the willingness of people to be goaded into illogical thoughts with the least bit of evidence; and concerned that the scientific process is not understood enough to value its enormous benefit.

Although we're not scientists, we have observed the scientific process in action. It is humanity's most successful endeavor, the one that took us from subsistence living to being space-faring people with ready drinking water, food supplies and much more.

We're concerned about how gullible many people become when peer pressure succeeds in usurping their own reasoning process.

Social pressure is a powerful force, one that can herd susceptible people off the edge of reason. A great example is what Jim Jones did after eventually persuading several hundred followers to commit suicide by drinking tainted cool-aid. What a travesty.


Tim's De-Conversion

My journey from religion began in the late 80's when I stopped going to church for several reasons. I just wasn't getting anything out of it anymore and it made me feel guilty for silly things that I had done, or thought about, which was senseless and certainly not enjoyable.


Twenty years later I discovered a podcast by Zachery Moore called "Evolution 101". Previous to that I had my doubts about human evolution. Now mind you I had never really looked at what real science was saying about it. This podcast opened my eyes to the evidence. He also had another podcast called "Apologia" in which there were several non-theists and usually one theist talking and debating religious concepts.


Shortly after that I started listening to a podcast called "Skeptoid" regarding critical thinking. Once I began looking at my own religious beliefs with a skeptical eye, it wasn't long before I threw off the blinders and began seeing the world around me in a new light. I gave William Lane Craig a chance to convince me but that failed too. I wanted to believe...who doesn't want to believe life will continue forever?


In the end it came down to not starting with belief and then building supporting evidence but starting with a blank slate and letting the evidence lead me to a conclusion. This is how science works.


One real problem with religion is that it teaches people not to think for themselves. Religion may claim to be open to free thought but there are so many cognitive bias involved it makes it nearly impossible to break out of it. Then you have the reinforcement of friends and family, going to church frequently and self deception.


My conversion took a few months of debating internally and having discussions with Jeff. As of March 2009, I was able to honestly say I didn't believe there was any evidence of a god.


I am now free to see the world as it really is and not through the veil of religion. I am very passionate about my view of the world now, way more than I ever was about my religion�I think deep down inside I was never fully convinced.


I also have YouTube channel in hopes that I can support the many other YouTubers that put together videos for reason and rational thinking. I also have 2 blogs at Celebration Of Reason & Debunking Creationism, not really blogs but a collection of other people's blogs and articles. It's my small way of making the world a more rational place to live.




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